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  • 培養孩子活用美語的能力

  • 幫助孩子提升學業表現

  • 陶冶良好的人文素養

  • 養成負責的學習態度

  • 提升統整規劃的能力



美語教學 English Program

  • 專業美語師資在每日豐富的美語課程之外也陪孩子進行各項日常活動,讓孩子在自然的情境中與美語老師互動,進而達到語言生活化的運用。

  • 從發音、會話、文法、閱讀、寫作…等,全方位學習,提升美語實力。

  • 以劍橋英檢教材進度搭配精選美國學校課本及讀本,課程充實完整。

  • 藉由故事、節慶活動,體驗不同文化之風俗民情,增進學習語言的樂趣。



We create an English-speaking environment. Students will naturally interact with foreign teachers, and apply English in their daily lives.

 Our Cadalin After School English Elementary Program is designed to help students continue their English learning using both Montessori materials (for language arts, mathematics, geometry and thematic learning) as well as textbooks.

We focus on phonics sounds, reading, writing, following the correct stroke order for letters and numbers, speaking to class mates and teachers using student’s own English vocabulary as well as reading and listening comprehension. As the students get older the difficulty level and challenges for their English will increase and they are guided in more extensive writing activities.

During winter and summer camps we offer a full-day program that includes outdoor activities, cooking, crafts, science and other fascinating practical lessons the students can learn from.

Our students gain practical life experience within our classroom and school setting while gaining self-confidence in their own abilities at the same time.


課業輔導 Homework guidance

  • 每天固定的時間輔導孩子做功課,給孩子個別科目的指導與練習時間,並把握時間為孩子做每日的複習及月考前的準備。

  • 引導孩子培養閱讀的習慣,增進閱讀能力,提升語文解析的能力。

  • 練習生字詞、造句、作文等語文能力。

  • 提供發表分享的機會。  

      Cadalin After School Program provides a certain period of time to guide students to finish their daily homework, and prepares them for the quizzes, midterms, and finals.

       Teachers at Cadalin will encourage students to read more, and in the process improve their reading ability.


蒙氏教具 Montessori Work

  • 蒙特梭利教育最大的目標是透過環境的設計、教具的操作,同時老師也適時引導與協助孩子,從工作中自我反覆操作,藉此增強孩子對數學、幾何及語文的理解。

  • 銜接3~6蒙氏教具操作之教學方式。

  • 讓學習豐富多元,輔助學校的學習內容。

            Children work in a Montessori environment with materials that increase the fundamental skills of mathematics, geometry, and languages.


才藝課程 Activity Program

  • 提供書法、輕黏土、美術、音樂、圍棋、舞蹈等多元的才藝課程供家長選擇參加。

  • 舉辦才藝課作品發表呈現學習成果。

          Parents can choose from variety of activities, such as go game, light clay, and music and rhythm classes which are available to children.



地址:新竹縣竹北市自強北路142號  電話:03-6681182